From Loss and Grief to Silence and Simplicity – A Philosophical and Pastoral Approach
Within the corona-crisis, the core question to be posed is: What is the impact of Covid-19 on paradigms applied to interpret the pandemic; i.e. on the spiritual realm of meaning-giving, hoping and pastoal caregiving? How does it affect the realm of habitus and religious convictions, specifically
where pastoral caregivers become involved? Information technology and the social media, for example, WhatsApp and News Bulletins, focus predominantly on information and prevention measurements. With reference to the human quest for wholeness in healing and helping, existing paradigms are critically analyzed. Three soulful movements are proposed, namely, from loneliness to solitude; from loss and grief to silence and contemplation; from the ugliness of the pandemic to the beauty of the virus. It is argued that instead of an ethical approach, an aesthetic approach can become most helpful in the reframing of the pandemic. The beautification of the virus is about the challenge to grow and revisit the meaning dimension of life and the value of compassion. In this regard, the God-image of divine companionship as framed by the ugliness of a ‘suffering God’ is discussed within the parameters of the praxis of hope care in pastoral ministry.
Keywords: Coronavirus, Covid-19, praxis of hope care, beautification of life, aesthetics in pastoral caregiving, the spiritual art of compassion.