Pastorale sleutels: Video
Pastorale sleutels: Video Read More »
From Loss and Grief to Silence and Simplicity – A Philosophical and Pastoral Approach Abstract Within the corona-crisis, the core question to be posed is: What is the impact of Covid-19 on paradigms applied to interpret the pandemic; i.e. on the spiritual realm of meaning-giving, hoping and pastoal caregiving? How does it affect the realm
The Aesthetics of Covid-19 Within the Pandemic of the Corona Crisis. Read More »
Heidi A. Campbell This article suggests that religious practice online, rather than simply transforming religion, highlights shifts occurring within broader Western culture. The concept of “networked religion” is introduced as a way to encapsulate how religion functions online and suggests that online religion exemplifies several key social and cultural changes at work in religion in
A practical theological analysis of the communication of Christian motifs on Twitter Abstract Social media is considered one of the crucial drivers of a rapidly changing world. The continuing and growing influence of social media as an innovative, but also disruptive power can be observed in various fields, in which traditional practices are already
(Auto)biography as theology This article provides a reflection on the relationship between (auto)biography and theology. This reflection is done with reference to, and in honour of the story of Theuns Dreyer. The author positions himself on the theory that the theology develops on a narrative basis and therefore also by way of (auto)biography. The life
(Outo)biografie as teologie Read More »
R.Ruard Ganzevoort In: B. Miller-McLemore (ed.) The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Practical Theology. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 214-223. Although in some sense narrative approaches in practical theology have been developed only recently, one could claim that there is a long and intrinsic history of their relationship. Religious practices that form the core material for theological reflection in practical
Narrative Approaches Read More »
Liturgie vir Ongekarteerde Tye Read More »
Hoofstuk 5 ONTDEK DIE EIE-AARD VAN GEREFORMEERDE EREDIENS Dirkie Smit Wat is die eie-aard van gereformeerde erediens? Wat is onverhandelbaar aan gereformeerde erediens en aanbidding, só karakteristiek gereformeerd, só wesenlik, só eiendomlik en sentraal, dat as dít verwaarloos sou word of sou verdwyn die erediens se gereformeerde karakter oor daarmee verlore sou wees?, só word
Ontdekkings in die erediens Read More »
Hoofstuk 2 Swerwers met ’n Swerfgenoot Cas Wepener Sommige mense is van mening dat die lewe ’n reis is. Hulle is gelukkig om die lewe so te kan beskou, want om die lewe as ’n reis te kan eien, beteken jy sien ’n roete, ’n gekarteerde weg met ’n begin, middel en einde. In die
Ongekaart (Hoofstukke 2, 18) Read More »
Hoofstuk 3 Voorbeelde van liturgieë vir vierings as getuienis van die opstanding Christelike liturgieë en rituele by die dood funksioneer as deel van ’n groter geheel. As die dood as die voltooiing van ’n reis gesien word en liturgiese rituele die einde van die reis op aarde merk, is daar ander liturgiese rituele wat ook